Thursday, January 11, 2007

Christmas Family Dinner 06 Photos

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My son Aaron,wrote back from the US lamenting, " It is that time of the year again....and I'm sad that I am unable to spend it with the family...Miss the Christmas dinners we used to have ... I just want to take this opportunity to tell you all how much you all mean to me....."

It looks like it has been worth the running around whole week getting presents,the best price for turkey, cracking my head for new dishes,deco etc.....Making memories and creating blueprints for our children....part and parcel of family making....

With my mother-in-law and mom both in the their strong 80s

This year's colourful spread...

Pretty maidens making sure they make good pictures to be a part of Christmas 2006....

My younger brother,James with daughter Sarah,1+. Both should easily win in an Olympic Synchronising Smiling Event !

Ai Lin,my sister-in-law who adds so much deep joy to James' life has been one of the finest individuals I have ever met on lonely planet earth.We both share a deep affection for each other and would outdo one another in esteeming each other ! Her sacrificial love for her family and others is unsurpassed.

Digging in at last.... curving the turkey

The rest of the family clan

The beginning of the turkey story.....

The end of the turkey... at least everyone enjoyed this year's turkey,moist and juicy served with cranberry sauce and turkey gravy ! Wait...the carcass made a delicious Chinese Empress' Soup the next day with the Kai Choy I grew in my new Vegetable garden !

Till next Christmas !