Thursday, December 28, 2006

Orchestra Performed !

The orchestra accompanying the La Voce Youth Choir

Up to now I still wonder how Brian,the conductor got us, mostly first timers to do it ...with a total of 13 rehearsals spanning a period of only five and a half weeks we were set on stage to perform !!

3-night and 1-day performance - with the exception of Friday night we played to near full house! The family and friends support was tremendous !Their loud applauses drove the performers' adrenaline high...It is a marvellous sight to behold how the human spirit arising to the demands of the occasion...

Even an excellent professional orchestra/chamber cellist like Johnathan Oh who teaches us cello and plays the first desk in this orchestra was thrilled to bits by the third night of the performance ! For one who never praises for the sake of praising !

Final run -through just before the first night of the performance

We have come a long way from our first full-dress rehearsal 2 days before the performance...Directed under 2 watchful and professional directors,both are Who's Who in the theatrical circle in Malaysia - Dato Faridah Merican and Mat Salleh Artistic Director Joe Hasham who took us through the paces and gave us feedback that sent gales of laughter and broke our tension after the run-through. We were tense and dense in looking at our scores,fearing that we might miss a beat instead of watching for cues from the conductor...At one point,a young guy dropped his violin and music stand ! Another ran out of the rehearsal much to Joe's chagrin apparently suffering from a nervous stomach ache !

Rehearsal with artistic director,Joe Hasham

Joe's final and most useful advice for us - ENJOY making music on stage and it will be captured by the audience ! ( how true even in all areas of our lives ...)

With this,my brother who has never taken any serious interest in orchestra music and has been associating serious-looking players in performances on TV, commented that he was pleasantly surprised that ours was the only performance he had seen where performers smiled ! Sharing the same desk with my bubbly 11 year-old daughter Philene and expecting her to look glum throughout the performance is like expecting rain in deserts !

Peter Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite was generally well received with the exception of some uneven moments in Danse Chinoise where the young flutist faced some nervous moments playing very challenging passages.The string section of the orchestra played Wassail Song and the beautifully melancholy Greensleeves and Angels We Have Heard From High.These too were amongst the winning numbers.

Getting ready to perform

Here are some other comments we heard ...

Two of my friends liked the orchestra performance best and thought the 2 choirs sang beautifully but could do better with clearer diction.( that's Joe's comments too ).

My sister loved the synergy and the harmony the orchestra produced and she was so moved to see her sister ,a late-starter contributing to making the music here...:)

My brother-in-law couldn't help but noticed that I was the 'senior citizen' in a sea of young people...

Digging into the depth of music-making and Living the moments.....

Most of the audience were not people who have studied classical music.They would clap at the end of each piece within the Nutcracker suite instead of waiting for the whole movement to end at the grand finale.On the first night, Brian tried to help them by not letting his arms down at the end of each piece,signalling continuity but it was impossible for any one to catch it ! In the end he graciously bowed to acknowledge the audience's enthusiasm ! instead of trying to 'teach them to be serious'..haha...

In full appreciation of the opportunity to perform, giving my best with daughter Philene as my concert coach.....

Generally,most people 'enjoyed' the programme and appreciated the orchestra.On the last 2 days we even have several people including Mat Sallehs in the audience who stood up during the performance of Handel's 'Hallelujah Chorus'.It was a widely held belief that Handel's patron,King George II,stood up when he heard the Hallelujah Chorus performed in London and ever since then ,it has been a tradition for audiences to stand during this Chorus.

This familiar masterpiece is spiritually uplifting and more so when it climaxes with the sound of blazing trumpets and thundering timpani bringing glory to our Lord Jesus Christ - the Messiah,the Saviour of my life.

I remember as soon as we took our place in the orchestra on stage, the lovely voices of the children La Voce choir ( some as young as 6 ) singing 'the First Noel' in a Capella.As they were descending from back of the the audience area with a candle in hand each and walking towards the stage - my eyes were moist and my heart was so grateful to these mostly non-christian children who proclaimed the birth of the Jesus Christ innocently... my prayer was that the true spirit of Christmas bringing the Love of God and the hope of salvation for mankind would be felt amongst the audience and the singers...

One case I heard -a Japanese guy, client of my friend,violinist Twink,commented that he was "profoundly touched ... " by the performance.There could be more that I am not aware of...

The sweet voices of the Junior La Voce Choir

The last performance on Sunday - the audience gave us a standing ovation !
What a wonderful feeling admist shouts of enchos !

Happily acknowdging the audience's applauses ...I was rather sad at the same time that the performance came to an end...I was having such a wonderful time...I guess that 's the kid in me lamenting the end of something fun...even my daughter misses them.We still practice our pieces in our regular practice !!

Family support : me, sister Sau Kui,niece Esther,Philene and brother-in-law,Kee.

Husband Cheng Swee, our strong supporter

Celebration time with friend,Twink and another fellow violinist

Thursday, December 7, 2006

KL Pac Sinfonietta Debut Concerts in December 2006 !

The KL Pac Sinonietta is due to make its debut concerts come December 14,15,16,17.( next week !! ).Entitled Candlelight Christmas, the orchestra will be accompanying the the 30-member La Voce Choir singing several beautifully arranged Christmas carols as well as the angelic and majestic "Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's famous "Messiah".For booking details

Conducted by UK-trained violinist-conductor,Brian Tan,we will also be playing Peter Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite,a series of beautiful symphonic ballet music that's exciting and melodious.I truly love playing the pieces although they are greatly challenging.

It is the fastest way to appreciate classical music,I discover.That's because you are "involved" in the "music making".I come to appreciate composers even more for their brilliance to "see"how the music sound in their mind,like Mozart.

Every instrument is communicating with each other to fabricate a story with sounds in certain formats- when you can make sense of that, listening to orchestra music suddenly comes alive ! You learn to anticipate what's coming rather than just looking to hear a "beautiful tune". I attribute this very important key to appreciating classical music sitting in Ann Perreau's classes when she was teaching my son piano and music appreciation.

You will love the silky flow of strings in "Greensleeves",a lovely,melancholic English tune set to orchestrative rendition that will "kill" you with nostalgia...I 'die' and melt like butter,absorbing every moment of joy practising it with the orchestra...bath in the many-splendid sounds of the different musical instruments in harmony...The wonder of synergy when different musical instruments come together...

The performance will take place in this beautiful,modern and fully equipped theatre in semi-proscenium style that seats 504 people .

This is NOT some American campus ground....This is KL Pac ( Performance Arts Centre ),in Sentul West !! Come to think of it,this reminds me of Aaron's ( my son's ) varsity in the US which is surrounded by beautiful lakes...

If you don't believe this is KL Pac - I suggest you come for the concert and verify this beautiful Park exists in Sentul West!

This is a map to the Centre.Book your tickets early.Phoning the BoxOffice and paying by credit card is the easiest.You collect the tickets on the night of the concert and make sure you come with the credit card you used for paying the tickets.

Box office number : 03-4047 9000

Booking online :

Be seeing some of you there !!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

My Dear, Loving Significant Other

This may sound like a cliche....but I'd like to think ...Behind every successful Dreamer is a dream supporter ! My husband Cheng Swee,a great provider and a true gentle "bodyguard" makes sure he reaches home on time to send us for the twice-weekly rehearsals...even though he has taught me how to get the KL Pac in Sentul !!

After each practice in the evenings (10 pm ) - he would make every excuse to take us for supper at the 24-hour Mamak stalls,no matter how tired he is ! After giving so many years of his life to doing a first-class service in one of the largest corporations in Malaysia, this General Manager, a Birmingham scholar,is looking forward to this retirement mid 2007.( I would like to give him a hammer for retirement the reason at the end of this post hehe...)

When I saw how he longs to make his daughter happy eating her favourite toshi after 3 hours of "hard work" practising in the orchestra....,I can feel his tremendous need to unwind from the corporate world that moulds and conditions him to live life awakened each day by an electronic "cock".He is a brilliant strategist,great thinker and trouble shooter whose gentle,humble and unassuming ways make him a highly respectable and favourable individual.The last thing you can accuse him of is not doing a job well !

( A hammer for retirement ? Yes... so I can kill the annoyingly predictable electronic "cock"that disturbs his mornings and mine !! LOL ! )

Dream comes true at 53 !

About 4 weeks ago I was encouraged by the conductor,Brian Tan to join a new orchestra,KL Pac ( KL Performing Arts Centre ) Sinfonietta he is leading.

He heard me play the cello while attending a class in Dominic's music shop in Plaza Damas a year ago.

Some flashback....

Two years ago,while scouting for a cello teacher,I chanced upon Johnathan Oh Ban Hin,a talented young professional NSO ( National Symphony
Orchestra ) cellist in a music shop where I sent my old violin to be serviced.I requested he played a piece for us.

For the next few minutes,I was completely mesmerised by the beautiful and mellow sound of the intrument.The music awakened something deep within must been the deep longing in my heart as a child and teenager to learn the violin and the piano...

I could feel the pain of not being able to take classes in the 60's...Growing up in a cowboy town like Temerloh with migrant parents whose only
preoccupation was surving the poineering years and managing their 'kongsi' business started by grandpa,the grand patraich,I could understand my circumstances but I was not content to bury my dreams and accept my fate.

In form 2 I literally pestered my home Science teacher,Ong One One( see I can remember her name - brought up in KL )to teach me the violin or at least the theory of music.

Because I couldn't get an instrument,she agreed to give me a few lessons on the fundementals of music theory.

I promised myself that "someday" I will find the money and the time to do what I was not able to do while I was young....

Here I was at the age of 51,at the music shop - I immediately popped Johnathan the question if he would be willing to take Philene and ME as his students ! He was sure of Philene and after a slight hesitation, he kind of said okay with me....I think he was realistic about me starting the cello old....

As soon as he agreed,albeit a little lukewarm,I immediately ordered a good handmade cello to be made for me which cost nearly RM7000! I didn't even bother to know if I was going to be able to play it....I have heard one of Malaysia's best cellists,Tan Poh Joo (who was studying in the UK then) played a couple of years ago at Ann Perreau's music studio,it didn't occur to me to take lessons then,mainly because I was still busy with my home-based business then.

Paradoxically,there is a time in our life when we must grow up to face the child in us that hasn't grown up...

And I faced the child in me on that divinely appointed day in the music shop... and you know what,through whatever difficulties I face while learning the cello in the last 2 years,I have never once regretted making such a "rash' decision.

I had once spoken to Dominic about my desire to see my daughter learn a second instument ( piano first ) so she could play and spend part of her young life experiencing playing in an orchestra, a healthy recreation I thought.

Dominic was very positive and reassuring that it would not be a problem at all.And he had been most helpful in giving us lots of encouragement in our pursue of a music education...

6 months into the cello classes,he encouraged us to take up grade 2 practical exam.We did.Philene scored a distinction and I alas...fumbled in a couple of places...and scored 9 marks from distinction...haha...that was fun...I was prepared for the pieces but I wasn't prepared for the nerves of steel to perform - I didn't make provision to handle the slight occasional slips during performance :(

Surpringly the examiner commented that the first piece I palyed -

"You had the right intentions here despite one or two uneven moments in coordination.There was a firm tone and some effective contrast of colours and there was a promising feeling for the phrasing..."

On the second piece, he reported," This began well with firm,vibrant tone and notes were mostly well placed here - just the odd slip."

On the last piece," Generally a confident approach to this; the notes were mostly well placed and tone had character and interest...."

His overall comment : "Well done - a good all round result."

With such encouraging comments it gave me additional boost to my determination to play my cello well.

Back to the present...

And now that Brian had expected me to join the orchestra...

I thought I am living my dreams learning the cello.

Now I have been invited to play in a community orchestra...

hmmm...that's really more than what I am asking for... I certainly can't complain :) !